About Us

The Association Of Kenya Professional Insurance  Agents [ AKPIA]  is a membership based Association that strives to serve the interest of it's members who are Insurance Agents of all levels in Kenya together with all stakeholders and to sustain their dynamic representation in all aspects.

AKPIA acts as the spokesperson and representative of the agency force in the Kenyan insurance industry seeking to create a smooth bridge between consumers, the Government, The Underwriters and all other stakeholders in this industry.

The mandate of the Association [AKPIA] is to promote and represent the interest of the insurance agents and to strengthen the insurance agency force in Kenya while leading and enhancing the efforts of the insurance agents to become recognised professionals and trusted as important partners to the  insurance sector,the society  and the entire Kenyan economy.

AKPIA was formed to inspire confidence amongst  our members and the insurance industry stakeholders and offer professional insurance advice and solutions  to the clients[the insurance buying public] which is beneficial to the society and the economy at large.

Our members are committed to actively participate in the growth and penetration of insurance ,Both short and long term Insurance business  in Kenya  and to this effect, We developed  a code of conduct to promote high ethical standards and good business practice among our members in the Kenyan insurance industry  by giving specific guidance on  acceptable and unacceptable practices for our members.

The Code of Conduct has been Drafted in support of the AKPIA vision and mission

AKPIA ensures a good working environment for its members, protect consumer interest  and provide access to insurance products and services  offered by different underwriters.

AKPIA is a voice of its members in the legal and regulatory Arena, a Mediator between members and insurance industry stakeholders, State agencies and other membership based Associations in Kenya and beyond to ensure that the members' concerns are adequately addressed at the policy level, up to date with industry trends and regulations that help them improve their bottom-line that in turn assist in maintaining their competitive edge and professionalism.



To Inspire Consumer confidence through professionalism and Creating a Smooth bridge between members and industry players.

Mission Statement:

Enhance Representation and create value to members through advocacy for better opportunities.

Our Objectives

To promote Professional development and discipline among Insurance Agents.

To advocate for efficient and quality service delivery to members of the Public.

To provide help, support and look after the welfare of insurance agents.

To promote legal rights of Insurance Agents.

To establish branch offices in the country for easy access to reach the Members.

To provide a platform for networking amongst the individual group members.

To formulate policies that enhances opportunities to the members.

To lobby for better terms and conditions of service for Insurance Agents.

Are you facing any problems but not getting consultation?

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(254)733 572 961 , (254)722 524 335